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October, 02-05, 2019 : Urban Ambiances and senses: Rio de Janeiro

Papers should fit into one of the 4 thematic axes below. The description of the axes gives indications for the theoretical proposals and / or the proposals of intervention to be developed in the workshops - which will be the spaces of debate for the implementation of central proposals to be taken to the streets

It is important to emphasize that the works submitted to this event may contain suggestions but do not necessarily have to present proposals for experiments, since they will be defined together in the discussions of the axes (see texts that define the thematic axes). Articles must be submitted by email ( by July 15, 2019, after pre-registration

Theme 1

In which way can we denature the images of the city by fostering a greater relationship with
them, creating forms of identification and affectivity between the Self and the Other (be it the
subject or the space)? How to re‐signify urban spaces from sensitive experience?

We aim with this axis to stimulate the discussion around the resignification from the sensitive
experience of the spaces, as well as to bring to the fore questions such as alterity, memory,
identity and affection. It is planned to propose reflections on these questions or proposals for
actions and / or interventions of ephemeral and artistic nature, based theoretically and
methodologically. The practical proposals should present minimally the physical and material
means that they intend to use in order to evaluate the viability as part of the event and possible
future unfolding.

Coordination: Ilana Sancovschi e Nathalia Moreira

Theme 2

How can we resensitize these ambiances, evoking the urban senses, the sense of time of these
places, their passage and their persistence as part of our memory and our city project?

By experiencing these places, giving us time for awareness and rediscovery, we may be surprised
by the emergence of individual and collective senses, affections, resonances of memory and
motives of desire; we can ask about the presence of the old and the new and about how to think
the landscape from a harmonious relationship between them, recognize the how of their
encounter, their details; we can also sensitize ourselves about absences, cast a glance at the
remains. These experiences can be instigated by reflexive, theoretical and critical practices, or
by sensitization practices that can be poetic practices, to be investigated in a synesthetic and
(inter) subjective way.
Thus, it is intended in this axis to construct theoretical discussions and practical actions about
the time of our experience and the senses of the place. It is planned to propose reflections on
these questions or proposals for actions and / or interventions of an ephemeral and artistic
nature, based theoretically and methodologically. Practical proposals should present in a
minimal way the means they intend to use, in order to assess feasibility as part of the event
and possible future developments.

Coordination: Fabiola Zonno e Leonardo Muniz

Theme 3

In what ways is it possible to discuss resensitization, at bodily level, in the daily life of cities?
How to rediscover and (re)activate perception and creative exercises from the body itself in
contact with the world and with the ways in which it reinterprets, engaging or displacing
objects (other bodies)?

To speak of "city resensitization" is to assume that we experience processes of "desensitization",
that is, the ability we have to lose or diminish the capacity to absorb and process sensitive stimuli
in the environments. In this way, we question how to sustain attention to experiences, such as
retaking the "experimental exercise of freedom", the bricolage of the look and do ‐ creating
spaces and narratives in movement and present time ‐ experiencing the everyday cycles of urban
space in its various stimuli and their potentialities. In this axis, we encourage the reflection on
the theme through urban experiments structured in discursive / theoretical or practical
propositions, through presentations, performances or interventions that bring us closer to
present bodies, capable of offering alternatives and breaches that provoke reflections on the
limits of the routine , states of attention, repetition, schedules and displacements, also allowing
a trial of the city in its tangents.

Coordination: Julia Delmondes e Marília Chaves

Theme 4

How can (re)build dynamics that can resensitize spaces? How to foster engendraments thatmotivate more humanizing and collective experiences?

In the unfolding of the daily life and the experience of the sensitive and embodied urban
environment, the street becomes the experimental field of processes, means and reflections of
the living. The events and situations that occur there involve rhythms, continuities, ruptures and
so many other processes that lead us to reinforce, inhibit and even found experiences in the
most diverse spheres. When one is immersed in an ambience one can assume that one oscillates
between the posture of action and contemplation: how to act, what to contemplate, what is
shared (or not) are affectations that are present when we experience spaces such as the street
and its stories. How to register and trigger resentments are issues that can be reflected and
investigated. We seek to work on this axis with the issues mentioned above, through theoretical
reflections, interventional actions, experiments that can promote the discovering of feasible
practices of resensitization. Each proposal should contain, in addition to the theoretical basis
and the research methodology, the guidelines of actions / interventions idealized, so that we
can assess the feasibility during the event. The intention is that we can draw up reflections and
create a joint action on how we can resensitize our cities through living on and of streets.

Coordination: Bárbara Thomaz e Juliana Queiroz

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