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October, 02-05, 2019 : Urban Ambiances and senses: Rio de Janeiro

The "Resensitizing Cities" congress was an incredible moment of meeting and sharing, where during the different experiences of the four days we were able to learn, investigate and make new contact networks. Check here in the photo gallery the best moments and summaries of what happened on each day of the event.

Dia 1 - 02.10.19      Abertura e palestra de Jean François Augoyard

In the afternoon of the first day of the event, we had the opening of the congress, with renowned teachers from FAU UFRJ and directors of SEBRAE-RJ. After this moment,  we could learn from the reflections of Prof Jean François Augoyard who brought important concepts about crossings around the concept of ambiences. The debates were also very productive, as we were able to broaden the discussion about project practices and attitudes in the city.


Opening table participants: Andrea Queiroz Rego (FAU / UFRJ Director), Monica Salgado (PROARQ Coordinator), Margareth Pereira (UIA 2020 Representative), Cristiane Duarte (LASC-PROARQ Coordinator), Ethel Pinheiro (LASC-PROARQ Coordinator), Mario Sergio Ferreira (Representative SEBRAE-RJ)


Dia 2 - 03.10.19                       Apresentação de artigos

In the morning and afternoon of the second day of the event, we had presentations of articles from the four axes, with discussions in each shift that allowed us to identify common concepts and questions to apply in the practical actions of the workshops.

Dia 3 - 04.10.19                                  Workshops - EIXO 1

In the morning of October 4th, with the whole group gathered (coordinators of the axis, authors of the works and other subscribers), some sensations and perceptions of the group regarding Tiradentes Square were highlighted, besides the local pre-existences, and then the main concepts were grouped. From the three conceptual cores formed - Barrier, Path and Imaginary Image - it was concluded that the imagetic figure of the Wall would be the most intense and immediate representation of the subjects discussed, capable not only to encompass, but also magnify the other points raised by all. As far as exploring the idea of ​​imaginary boundaries and the strength of this image in the sensitive construction of space, it was the objective of the axis components to provide site users / passersby with an experience of appropriation of / in the square, and to awaken there a place of affectation between the space. Me and the Other. But how to build and deconstruct walls (real and imaginary) in this portion of the city? The answer was simply to stack things ... boxes ... archive boxes. Thus occurred the chain of ideas that culminated in the intervention proposal. And why archives? Because these would be the great synthesis of all that had been brought since the opening lecture. Archive is where you store things that you can't let go or just can't, but don't always want to access. Thus, for fear of forgetting, it is stored, archived and forgotten. Thus, dead archive boxes would be the building elements of the walls, and on the walls or faces of the boxes, the possibility left for passersby to register through memories and facts they would like to deposit in an archive.

Dia 3 - 04.10.19                                  Workshops - EIXO 2

In the workshop, after resuming the discussion on monumentality in contemporary times, it was thought as if proposing the resensitization of Tiradentes Square the senses could be evoked and created more openly. The complexification of meanings, through the possibility of telling other, non-mythifying stories, was understood as a way to build a welcoming memory of different narratives based on diversity and mixture. The reflections from the communications raised the theme of incompleteness, of the ruinous sense of our relationship with landscape times: discourse objects, fragments, tracks of marginal presences, some invisible. In this direction, the proposed action was the delimitation of the existing monument, exposing and re-signifying it: a red triangle began to share the center of the square with the statue of D. Pedro I in order to affirm and question the sense of freedom yesterday and today. The presence of Tiradentes, the “inconfident”, was evoked at the same time in a fragile and strong way: ephemeral, at ground level and close to the passersby, a symbolic inscription that created a place for the registration of the “confidences” and wishes of the agents. of this space today - reaffirming the sense of the place as public and democratic. It was also proposed to interact with people on the street, questioning the presence / absence of Tiradentes in the square (paradoxically, some identified him as D. Pedro I). If inconfident is the one with whom he tells secrets, tells other stories, then the group proposed to himself this revealing untold, or not widely known, “secrets” stories capable of expose other dimensions of the place; On the other hand, in the contact of the conversation, the interlocutors shared a confidence, something from their memory and experience of the place, how they recognized the sense of freedom there and especially what their freedom. What was said by each was, in the course of the action, being recorded as written about the triangular demarcation on the floor where also the images of other characters from the were set up - the action created a field shared by many of the square's agents, the which allowed everyone involved to experience resensitization.

Dia 3 - 04.10.19                                  Workshops - EIXO 3

During the workshop discussions, we realized that the state of attention, presence, and being together were prime points to work on, as well as the notion of the collective body as opposed to exacerbated states of individuality. We decided, therefore, to investigate bodily two ideas proposed by the group: to walk very slowly, en masse, as a cohesive group; and that of moving us in “shoal”, also working the group unit, but with varying rhythms and movements; The first way of moving was inspired by the Japanese Butoh / Butoh dance technique created and led by artists Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ono. Opting for this movement as the initial proposal of the intervention aimed to understand what it is to be in a collective respecting the rhythms of this collective and also exploring the opposition to the discomfort of speed, previously identified as a collective burden. We concluded that it was necessary to go through the experience together: to go through a de-hierarchization, to be together subjected to a collective rhythm (the slow, the butoh moment), after understanding each other as equals we feel comfortable to propose movements and simultaneously attentive and connected to follow the movements proposed by each of the group (the school). The intention was not that there was one person or few people leading the movement, but that each one could propose changes in rhythm and movement. Seeking an aesthetic allusion to the symbol of justice, we decided to red tape body parts as a point of attention that we would like to investigate individually, literally binding some senses for the emphasis of others. These strips could also be attached to any other body in the square, such as waypoints, touches or crossings during the action.

Dia 3 - 04.10.19                                  Workshops - EIXO 4

In the workshop of axis 4, it was discussed how, from a physical action / intervention, the occurrence of affects and actions could be promoted, thus contributing to resensitization processes that sought to have the street as the main point. Walking to experience the street, regardless of its form, was a common approach among all the articles presented, making unanimous in the discussion that this act would be necessary. In this sense, it was defined that a resensitization experience would be more appropriate than an intervention. The combined action was to explore the street by walking, however, the drift was directed by the gaze of the passersby who were there at that time. Thus, the group intercepted a randomly chosen bypasser, who was asked to, with the group's frame, choose any framing of the street landscape. To avoid a misunderstanding of what was being asked, the groups explained, when they thought it necessary, that the framing could be any point of interest of the passerby and that for him to express what it was to experience the street. What was chosen by the passerby and framed by him was photographed by the participants of the event and could be a positive or negative point. Next, the passerby was asked to describe the chosen framework with one word. After this moment, the group also asked the passerby to choose a word to describe the sound they were hearing at that moment and a smell that was feeling in that place. To get a better sense of the audience that was engaging The action was also asked if the person passed that place daily, sporadically or if he was a tourist. Photography was a method that participants considered of great importance, as it would be a way of capturing not only the frame chosen by the passer-by, but also of capture the person behind that look, that frame. In addition to using the questionnaire to capture the information obtained, participants also used on their phones an app that recorded the walking route, so each group can assimilate and compute the frame-driven drift.


De que forma podemos desnaturalizar as imagens da cidade propiciando uma maior relação com elas, criando formas de identificacao e afetividade entre o eu e o outro (seja este o sujeito ou o proprio espaco)  Como  ressignificar os espaços urbanos a partir da experiência sensível?

Pretendemos com este eixo, estimular a discussão teórica em torno da ressignificação a partir da experiência sensível dos espaços, além de trazer à tona também questões como alteridade, memória, identidade e afeto. Prevê-se a proposição de trabalhos que sejam reflexões sobre estes questionamentos ou propostas de ações e/ou intervenções de caráter efêmero e artístico, fundamentadas teórica e metodologicamente. As propostas práticas devem apresentar minimamente os meios físicos e materiais que pretendem utilizar para que se avalie a viabilidade como parte do evento e possíveis desdobramentos futuros.

Coordenação: Ilana Sancovschi e Nathalia Moreira


Como ressensibilizar estas ambiências, evocando os sentidos urbanos, o sentido de tempo destes lugares, sua passagem e sua persistência como parte de nossa memória e de nosso projeto de cidade?

Vivenciando estes lugares, dando-nos o tempo para a sensibilização e a sua redescoberta, podemos ser surpreendidos pela emergência de sentidos individuais e coletivos, afetos, ressonâncias da memória e móveis do desejo; podemos nos questionar sobre a presença do antigo e do novo e sobre como pensar a paisagem a partir de uma relação harmônica entre eles, reconhecer o como de seu encontro, seus detalhes; também podemos nos sensibilizar sobre ausências, lançar um olhar para os restos. Estas experiências podem ser instigadas por meio de práticas reflexivas, teóricas e críticas, ou de práticas de sensibilização que podem vir a ser práticas poéticas, a serem investigadas de modo sinestésico e (inter)subjetivo.

Assim, pretende-se neste eixo construir discussões teóricas e ações práticas sobre o tempo de nossa experiência e os sentidos do lugar. Prevê-se a proposição de trabalhos que sejam reflexões sobre estes questionamentos ou propostas de ações e/ou intervenções de caráter efêmero e artístico, fundamentadas teórica e metodologicamente. As propostas práticas devem apresentar minimamente os meios que pretendem utilizar, para que se avalie a viabilidade como parte do evento e possíveis desdobramentos futuros.

Coordenação: Fabiola Zonno e Leonardo Muniz


De que formas é possível discutir sobre ressensibilização, a nível corpóreo, no cotidiano das cidades? Como reencontrar e (re)ativar a percepção e o exercício criativo a partir do próprio corpo em contato com o mundo e com as formas como o reinterpreta, acoplando ou deslocando objetos (corpos outros)? 

Falar em “ressensibilização de cidades” é assumir que vivenciamos processos de “dessensibilização”, isto é, que podemos perder ou diminuir a capacidade de absorver e processar estímulos sensíveis nos ambientes. Desta forma, questionamos como sustentar atenção às experiências, como retomar o “exercício experimental da liberdade”, a bricolagem do olhar e do fazer - criar espaços e narrativas em movimento e tempo presente – experimentando e vivenciando o cotidiano do espaço urbano em seus variados estímulos e suas potencialidades. Neste eixo, incitamos a reflexão da temática através de experimentos urbanos estruturados em proposições discursivas/teóricas ou práticas, mediante oficinas, apresentações, performances ou intervenções que nos aproximem de corpos presentes, capazes de oferecer alternativas e brechas que provoquem reflexões sobre os limites da rotina, dos estados de atenção, da repetição, dos horários e dos deslocamentos, permitindo também uma experimentação da cidade em suas tangentes.

Coordenação: Julia Delmondes e Marília Chaves


Como (re)construir dinâmicas que possam ressensibilizar os espaços? Como propiciar engendramentos que motivem experiências mais humanizadoras e coletivas?

No desenrolar do cotidiano e da vivência do meio urbano sensível e reencarnado a rua se torna o campo experimental de processos, meios e reflexões do ressensibilizar. Os eventos e situações que ali acontecem envolvem ritmos, continuidades, rupturas e tantos outros processos que nos levam a reforçar, inibir e até mesmo fundar experiências nas mais diversas esferas. Quando se está imerso em uma ambiência podemos assumimos oscilar entre a postura da ação e a contemplação: como agir, o que contemplar, o que se compartilha (ou não) são afetações que se fazem presentes quando vivenciamos espaços como a rua.  Como registrar e desencadear o ressentir são questões que podem ser refletidas e investigadas. Buscamos trabalhar neste eixo as questões citadas acima, por meio de reflexões teóricas, ações interventivas, experimentações que possam fomentar a realização de práticas viáveis de ressensibilização. Dentro de cada proposta deverá conter, além da fundamentação teórica e da metodologia de pesquisa, as diretrizes de ações/ intervenções idealizadas, para que possamos avaliar a viabilidade durante o evento. O intuito é que se possa traçar reflexões e criar uma ação conjunta de como podemos ressesensibilizar nossas cidades através do se vivencia na e da rua.

Coordenação: Bárbara Thomaz e Juliana Queiroz

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